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NeuroScience Associates

MultiCord® Technology


Multiple Embedding of Spinal Cords

MultiCord® Technology uses the same revolutionary set of technologies as MultiBrain® Technology, with as many as 40 spinal cords embedded, sectioned and stained simultaneously in the transverse/coronal plane. When there is value in viewing the same cord in different planes, multiple segments and planes of a single spinal cord can be processed together and presented on a single slide. With this configuration, up to 8 spinal cords can be processed within the same MultiCord® block. The images below depict both the “traditional” transverse option for sectioning as well as an example of multiple plane sectioning that can be accomplished through MultiCord® Technology.

See How Does It Work: MultiCord® Technology uses the same process asMultiBrain® Technology, as shown here



40 Rodent Spinal Cords transverse / Coronal Myelin-Stained


A colored gelatin is placed in the block (red oval) at a diagonal. When the block is sectioned, the diagonal moves as the tissue is sectioned, enabling the sections to be sorted in anatomical order from rostral to caudal.


7 Rhesus Monkey Spinal Cords Transverse / Coronal and Longitudinal Thionine-Stained Segments



Rhesus spinal cord before and after dividing. Segments are oriented during embedding to allow alternate transverse /coronal and longitudinal (horizontal) sectioning.

**See special post-perfusion instructions for spinal cords.