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NeuroScience Associates


Posters in PDF format:

TitlePDF LinkYear Presented
Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Regional Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal
Axis Dysregulation in Rats
The Fibrillin-1 Mutated Mouse Model Presents an Accelerated Cerebrovascular Aging
Phenotype and Vulnerability to Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
The presence of tau pathology in the hippocampus at 6 months following experimental diffuse traumatic brain injuryLink2021
Mesencephalic Astrocycte-derived Neurotrophic Factor and Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-2 are Modulated by Docosahexaenoic Acid after Ischemic StrokeLink 2019
Comparison of Occlusion and Staining Techniques in Rodents with Induced CVA InjuriesLink2019
Microglia Markers: Distinguishing Surveillance and Reactive States with ImmunohistochemistryLink2019
Quantification of Immunohistochemistry on Adjacent Sections Comparing Fluorescent and DAB Markers
Pick's Disease: Characterization of Pathology with Diverse StainsLink2015
Degeneration and Normal Neuron Staining Method to Aid in Quantitative AnalysisLink2015
TREM2 Presence in Margins of Ischemic Brain LesionsLink2015
Immunohistological Comparison of Antibodies Against Tau in Brain Sections from Human AD and Normal and Mouse Wild-Type and an AD ModelLink2014
Neurohistopathology of Postnatal IP Dose of MK-801 in Juvenile RatsLink2014
Immunohistological Characterization of Multiple Sclerosis Plaques in Human BrainLink2014
A Histological Comparison of Different Staining Methods for AcetylcholinesteraseLink2014
Method to Improve Handling Characteristics of Free-Floating Brain Sections after Immunohistochemical Staining for AmyloidLink2013
Mass-Production Neurohistology and Contemporary Stains Accelerate AD ResearchLink2012
Phylogenic Comparison of Volume Ratios of Caudate Putamen in MammalsLink2012
Modification of Agnor Staining to Reveal The Nucleolus in Thick Sections Specified for Stereological Assessment of Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity in Substantia Nigra, Pars CompactaLink2011
Neurotoxicity Study Design: The Essential Element of Location AssessmentLink2008
Phylogenic Comparison of Volume Ratios of Caudate PutamenLink2008
Neurotoxicity Study Design: The Essential Element of Sacrifice TimesLink2007