MultiBrain® Layouts
The ability to designate the positions that specimens occupy within the MultiBrain® block provides the researcher with a unique enabling technology for analysis. Positioning can help to visualize relative gradients in stained features and can accelerate analysis.
Sample Orientation Illustration: Rat Brain Layout
(The dosing level by row demonstrated in this example represents one way in which you may choose to position your specimens to facilitate analysis.)
Relative location of individual brain sections on microscope slides
Use the links below to specify where sections of each specimen are to appear on the slides to facilitate comparison across treatment groups and controls. The brains will be positioned in the MultiBrain® embedding matrix such that subsequent sectioning of the MultiBrain® yields composite sections in this pattern.
Note: The MultiBrain® Matrix Marker preserves left-right orientation.
NSA strongly recommends that researchers designate their own positioning by selecting the appropriate form below, filling in the positions, printing the form for inclusion with shipped specimens, and sending an electronic version of the form to the email address listed on the form. If a numbering pattern is not specified, the brains will be embedded left to right in an ascending alphanumeric sequence.
Submit the appropriate completed form(s) by one of the following methods:
Email to
Upload the file (see below)
Fax to 865.675.2787
Include the block map in the package with the tissue
PLEASE NOTE: Steps to fill out the form correctly:
1. Download the form.
2. Save the form.
3. Complete the form.
4. Upload the form.
Editable Templates:
Rat brains and comparable sized animals:
- Coronal Sections (up to 16)
- Sagittal Sections (up to 12)
- Horizontal Sections (up to 9)
- Coronal Hemisphere Sections (up to 28)
Mouse brains and comparable sized animals:
- Coronal Sections (up to 25)
- Sagittal Sections (up to 20)
- Horizontal Sections (up to 16)
- Coronal Hemisphere Sections (up to 40)
Rhesus Monkey, Cat/Dog brains and comparable sized animals:
- Full Brain (no block map needed, 1 per slide)
- Rhesus Monkey, Coronal (1 whole brain or 2 hemispheres)
Rabbit brains and comparable sized animals:
- Full Brain, coronal sections (up to 4)
- Full Brain, sagittal sections (up to 2)
- Hemisphere: Coronal Sections (up to 8)
Spinal Cords:
- Rat/Mouse, Entire Cord, Horizontal/Sagittal (up to 8)
- Rhesus Monkey, Entire Cord, Horizontal/Sagittal (up to 7)
- Rat/Mouse/Rhesus Monkey, Entire Cord, Coronal (up to 25)
- Rodent (Mouse/Rat/Guinea Pig/Small Rodent), Entire Cord, Coronal (up to 40)
- Rodent (Mouse/Rat/Guinea Pig/Small Rodent), 15mm Cord Lengths, Horizontal/Sagittal (up to 40)
- Spinal Cord Dot-Dash Configuration (up to 24)
- Spinal Cord Dot-Dash Configuration (up to 40)
Send NSA Your Block Map Via File Transfer:
MultiBrain® Layout Block Map Upload
Use this form to send us your block maps.
For additional templates or for a mixed orientation, contact us for information.